Pulau Ubin: A guide to surviving Singapore's deadliest island

Feeling confident from ez-ly conquering Coney island, we headed to Ubin expecting a leisurely cycle. Who knew what sort of hell awaited us on that island of doom.

As always, the naive trio who participated in this expedition were the ones who had nothing better to do on a Saturday.

Been ages since I've taken a bumboat from the ferry terminal at Changi Village. For those who didn't know, my family used to abduct me out to sea for a full day of fishing while i transformed into another fish - merlion due to seasickness.

Just a short, rough 10 mins ride to the nearby Pulau Ubin but i can already feel my stomach churning

I guess one way to counter sea sickness is by sitting beside people who make you even sicker

And we are here! Last time i set foot here was 6 years ago to 捡垃圾 during NS so i could get my pink IC back

Oh look bike trails everywhere so this should be a smooth ride. And the "Black Diamond Grade Trail" sounds really fun, leggo!

Addicted to pasting stickers on ourselves after the polka dot museum,we got some cute gudetama mosquito repellent patches on our arms courtesy of Cyn. Rented our bikes, warmed ourselves up and we were ready to conquer this island!

[5 mins later...]

When the fuck is this uphill going to end? I didn't realise this was Mt. Ubin. Is it too late to u turn back and go home?

10 years later, we finally made it to the Chek Jawa Wetlands entrance.

Guess who waited to greet us? Mummy boar and her babies! A touching moment as Cyn is reunited with her long lost relatives.

Mmm look at all these cute little 鲁肉饭s running around.

Actually they were kind of scary, rampaging through parked bicycles for any sign of food.

Wild boars weren't the only members of the animal kingdom who came to the party. Monkeys were aplenty around these parts.

Another fascinating creature, an ang moh with a really hot bum. I really love Ubin and being in touch with nature in its glory.

Chek Jawa Wetlands is famed for the coral reefs and diverse marine life that you can study during the low tide.

But yea... we arrived at the highest tide possible and enjoyed looking at nothing but sea water. A slight miscalculation.

STARING INTO THE BRIGHT SUN TO TAKE PHOTOS SO I WON'T HAVE SMALL ASIAN EYES. One day, my future blind self will remember this and thank me.


Pretty disappointed that we didn't get to see alligators and shit, so we decided to climb up Jejawi Tower for a bird's eye view of the surroundings. *Note: this was shortly before i spat out white foam after ascending the 5 storey tall structure.

You bluffing chewren? 什么鸟都没有

Continued cycling through the bumpy mud tracks with more slopes and curves than bellywellyjelly. Alli perfectly sums up our fitness in this picture.

We couldn't have picked a better place to take a break, at a beautiful quarry lake that... fk u hor photobomb sibo? I was going to start one of Jixian ge's random inspirational quotes on instagram.

When we realised that we had only conquered half of the island #rolleyeball

It started to rain soon after, so we conveniently used it as an excuse to take a coconut pit stop.

When you are so bored you start reading nutritional facts off a bottle of kickapoo. Also, a family stuck with us after making the poor choice of coming to Ubin on that same day. Shag faces everywhere.

Luckily, the rain came and went quickly, so we continued on our adventure into the bike trail which sounds like fun, fun and more fun!

But first, a creepy af looking temple standing out of nowhere, known as the "German girl shrine". The randomness and lack of information is what makes it so mysterious and intriguing. 

So there was a choice between the blue trail for faggots, intermediate diamond trail, or the expert black double diamond trail. Of course being complete retards, we confidently decided on the toughest one. LET'S GO BIG OR GO HOME BOYS (and girl).

Apparently we wouldn't have been able to go home if we did attempt it. One look to the right was all it took to convince us to choose another trail. Yes, this rock and a fucking hedge of overgrown grass was the entrance to the double black diamond. Knn how am i supposed to cross this on my rented $6 per hour, wet-market bicycle that looks like it will fall apart upon hitting a speed bump?

Hand cacat, road bumpy, never bring gopro, cannot film properly. Strongly considering to upload onto facebook extreme sports pages. Please give feedback thanks.

We survived the intermediate bike trail (although we pushed our bikes more than we cycled) but our clothes didn't fare that well. With mud splatters all over, we looked like we had been outfield for weeks.

How to set a clickbait title for more views on your videos. 

Nothing like some overpriced coconut ice cream and soda to celebrate being alive after all that shit. 

Oh dang Alli looking like he doesn't give a fuck where we dine as long as we eat pussay, so hawt. We didn't do any research on the food in Ubin, but the seaside restaurants looked legit enough for us to give it a try.

Nice calm view of the sea, and a bonus lady with nice butt from earlier while we feast. What more can a man ask for?

And the food was really good too, especially the cereal prawns. Or it was probably because we were starving like African children. Food always tastes so much better after a heavy workout.

And so we say goodbye to Pulau Ubin, a beautiful place filled with kampong feels and untouched nature, with another side of it trying to kill you with dangerous terrain, wild animals and eerie looking shrines. Would definitely do this again, in another ten years or so.

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