dream- - - ing

Anyone heard of lucid dreams before? It refers to the ability to know you're in a dream and control the events in your dream. It is said for people to have lucid dreams you need alot of willpower and to be selfconscious in weird circumstances. I never had any because all my dreams are sibei weird and autopilot one. If i had that ability, most probably will conjure up many weird creatures and jitao wreak havoc on them. Maybe make myself have unlimited amount of pee, that would be cool. Or a humongous fart, those very loud type then last for 10 secs liddat. Fking smelly but fking shiok. Sibei lol-able.

(My internet connection sucks balls)

Nothing to blog about at all so say these jiaowei. Orhkay bo wei gong liao, gootnights dear readers/reader/nobody

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