Switzerland 2022 - Day 6: The Glacier Express & St. Moritz

The following blog intro will be in Japanese to show off what i have learnt from Duolingo so far. I hope it inspires you to join me in learning a new language.
Mina san youkoso to watashi no buloggu! Watashi no chi chi no ha ha kenna rape-u during worlde waru ni desu. Hai, roku times desu. Nihon soldier san wa yoku watashino ahma oppai o shimasu. Arigato gozaimasu.

After breakfast and checking out of our Zermatt hotel, we took advantage of the cutest baggage transfer service to send our luggage to the train station.

Hen zai siol. No, i mean the vehicle is literally very narrow like Sj. It also transported 2 other burdens who refused the grueling 200 metres walk.

Today we will be travelling in style on the Glacier Express, touted as one of the most spectacular train experiences in the world.

The train journey from Zermatt to St. Moritz is an obscene 7 hours long. Fuck you that's as long as a Singapore to Japan flight.

While Ivy and Sufian went on their lavish 470 euro excellence class experience..

We could only afford the regular cabin class which was partially covered by our Swiss Travel Pass plus an additional 39 euro seat reservation fee. Look at these 4 fuckers sitting together, 你们就好咯.

Meanwhile, i am stuck with this old, grumpy looking Italian couple who might have known Benito Mussolini himself.

At least i have these obscene views to accompany me on the lonesome journey.

Ok la actually the old couple were quite friendly. We conversed the only way we could in limited English and sign language. Turns out they were travelling to do some cross country skiing despite their age. 当年30岁的我好羞耻.

It's lunchtime! While the atas folks were being served shitty soup..

I decided to order the train’s set meal to alleviate the boredom.

Tears filled my eyes when i saw got curry chicken rice as one of the mains. My Italian neighbours must be thinking the stereotype of Asians loving rice are true and YOU ARE GOD DAMN RIGHT YOU PASTA WHORES.

Ended off with a dessert which made me feel like a king.

Compared to the peasants behind me eating convenience store sandwiches and potato chips. From time to time, the magnanimous Ivy snuck food over to us from her Excellence class like feeding some beggars.

In between stops, you may choose to alight and stretch your legs as long as you board before the train fucks off.

Haha all cannot see face.

Excellence class one then can show face.

Along the way, you can spot insane folks enjoying all kinds of winter activities.

And after 6 hours we arrive at the highlight of the train journey, slowing down at a curved viaduct for the most instagrammable shot.

The kicker is that you can only film this on the Excellence class because the glass windows on the peasant class remain closed. All we could manage were photos and videos raped by the reflections off the glass so all credits to Ivy for the share.

Finally reaching St. Moritz and reuniting with Sufivy.

But not for long as they were staying at the luxurious $1,000 per night Kempinski Hotel. Nmjhl.

While we were on the opposite side of the road… in a haunted airbnb apartment. It was a bad omen when we had to wait for an hour in the cold for the host to pass us the keys while all of us almost pissed our pants. The old furniture and weird placements threw us off, and then there was a random bell to summon the devil himself. Suddenly that $1,000 per night stay at Kempinski seemed really appealing.

We hastily exited the apartment to get the thought of having to sleep in that 鬼屋 for the next 2 nights out of our heads.

We were slightly comforted by the sight of a brand new grocery store chain, especially Jh the grocery store slut.

Had ourselves a nice Italian dinner in an attempt to lift our spirits so we could communicate with the spirits in our airbnb later that night.

Potentially the last meal for 5 of us.

Heavy steps back home in the freezing cold while Jh turned into Charizard. Everyone let's hold hands and pray that we survive the night and make it to Day 7.


- End of our lives Day 6 -

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