Central Europe 2020 - Day 2: Cluj, Romania - Hotel Hopping & Museum Square Ice Skating

Lol cb suddenly April liao wtf i thought we just celebrated Christmas??? Day 2 started off with a hotel breakfast buffet. If you know me well, you’ll know that a bunch of unborn chicks are about to get massacred.

Didn’t realise Romania was also invaded by Russia until i saw the lack of options on the buffet table. Are we rationing food or something?

Breakfast wasn’t too exciting but having a mountain of scrambled eggs is good enough for me. Time to head for work!

A light dusting of snow while walking to the office. If we had this weather in SG we wouldn't have to suffer with sticky balls all the time.

Google maps guided me into an abandoned looking warehouse where i thought i would be taken hostage by terrorists but eventually i found my way to our spanking new office.

What. The. Fuck. Why do we have an army of employees when we are not even in operations here?

I may be seen joking calmly with the Romanian folks but inside i was breaking down in tears.

Well at least we got it done without peeing my pants. That’s a win in my book.

Next assignment was our travel agent bringing me to some hotels to 开房 recce if they are suitable to be our corporate partner.

Me walking around pretending to take photos of the amenities for work when i’m actually doing it to post on my blog hahas.

Absolutely no idea what i am doing here. Just making sure i did not offend any ghosts because the hotel sales manager obviously doesn’t practice the knock knock 打扰了 open door 3 seconds rule for each room we visited.

The sudden realisation that this is the closest i will ever get to being in a hotel room with 2 female strangers.

But i have to admit, some of them were very impressive despite none being 5 star hotels. I’m not a gym rat but if i had access to this gym, i would still be a fat lazy piece of shit playing computer games at home .

Speaking of fat, it was lunchtime and of course i had a restaurant in mind. @eatify_sg is always prepared.

Mmm smoked ham with stewed beans. Pork seems to be the only meat product the Romanians consume but they sure know how to cook it well.

To this day i still have no clue what this dessert was but im just going to assume it's fluffy clouds on a bed of cum. After lunch, i returned to my hotel room to do some work before meeting the previous night’s group for dinner.

Pasta for dinner again? These people sure love their noods as much as i love my nudes.

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Wew who laugh until so 下贱? Dinner was average but good company more than made up for it.

Not usually a beer drinker because i can’t burp so it makes me fart a lot instead but today i ordered it so that the Europeans won’t think Asian men are pussies. #stopasianhate

Cluj’s old town can be pretty majestic at night. The charm of Europe is strolling through these quaint little streets filled with history.

Look at the only tourists in town doing tourist things.

Then we passed by a fountain converted into an ice skating rink and surprisingly most of us were steady enough to go for an impromptu round.

You can rent ice skates at these little sheds, or even bring your own as the rink is free for public use.

This was my first time ever ice skating and I strained every fibre of my leg muscle to keep my balance to not xia suay in front of my new friends.

Didn’t fall down but skating at a pace that’s slower than a crawling cripple is pretty embarrassing in itself.

 But it was a great experience ice skating around a fountain on a gloomy night in Romania. And from here on, there's no more work and i'll be exploring Europe on my own. So excited to tell you about the rest of this trip that the next post will probably come out in 2023.

- End of Day 2 -

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