Bali 2019 - Day 5: Revolver Espresso, Warung Pak Malem & Back to Singapore

Hurray! Final day blogs are always the best because i can finally move on with my life. Not many plans on the itinerary for our last day in Bali but rest assured that you'll see our sian faces many times throughout the post.

OH LOOK ANOTHER FUCKING CAFE for breakfast called Revolver Express where it kinda looks like a shady gambling den on the outside.

But step inside and you'll be transported into an ig worthy haven.

Because we look like losers with no social life, they got us a table in a dark corner of the cafe.

Trying to show them that we are indeed adventurous and happening young folks, we ordered a coffee martini for breakfast. Knn sibei pai lim.

But they redeemed themselves with their scrambled eggs & ham which were doused in some hot sauce that gave it a nice sharp kick. Nice but Jh confirm sweat die if he ate this.

We discovered that too many massages actually hurt our bodies, so we opted for a pedicure instead to spend our remaining hours in Bali.

The result of having 2 pedicures in 4 days. My toe nails have never looked more like a chio bu's.

Even the masseuse was laughing at our "不甘愿回家" faces while we were waiting for our Grab.

Last minute instant noodle shopping at the usuals, as is tradition. 

On the way back to our villa, we passed by a barbershop where Reagan was solicited by an ang moh for sexual services.

Signifying what a great job Reagan did on the side of the road, we required 10 towels to wipe off the love juice from his face.

Since we were there, we took the chance to get a barber shave with the $30 he earned. Xiexie lao ban sponsor.

The shave itself wasn't great but the head massage definitely made me erect.

With our hormones still raging from that encounter, this happened next..

I... i can explain.. We were just chilling on the bed and i accidentally spilled some coffee on Reagan's shirt so he was topless and Jl come in to google how to clean his shirt. We definitely did NOT have a threesome...

Okay enough fan fiction stories, time to check out of the villa and say goodbye to my 2 new friends who watched me sleep for the past 4 nights.

But before that, a comprehensive look at our 3 person love nest villa.


For our final meal, we cannot leave Bali without trying the famous Babi Guling.

An iconic dish because the rest of Indonesia is halal while Bali is all in on their pork. Skin was nicely crunchy but the meat needed more fats. But at this point, putting any food that wasn't from a cafe into my mouth was like swallowing god's cum.

Oh man the dreaded ride to airport. Nothing feels as depressing as the end of a good vacation.

Tf is that dildo popping out in the middle of nowhere?

Apparently it's a 122m tall statue which was recently completed in 2018. Pretty impressive.

Trying to stare directly into the sun so that i can turn blind and get hospitalised a few more days to do another pedicure. Priorities.

Oi your du lan bin enough hor. What to do, who ask you poverty cannot every month go holiday? Time to suck thumb and go back to work. That includes you, my dear reader, don't chao keng wfh but keep read blog la hor.

- End of Bali Trip 2019 - 

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