Dumbass Bbq

Up till now i still have no fucking idea why our clique is called 'Dumbass'. Who the fuck thought it would be a good idea to name ourselves that? Must be fucking Joey... A rare meetup with them, everyone has grown so... old. Caspia arrived about an hour too early, haha punctual loser. She was pretty mad when i reached, i almost ran home since she looked ready to slaughter me. Thankfully, the rest arrived with a cup of Starbucks to soothe her angsty vagina. 

Short designated short fire short builder

Thanks you for paying for the food!

Eye power best power

Spokesperson for twelve cupcakes??

Stuffing bacon into mushrooms with chio Yc and Ming En. The ones done by me looked the best though in my honest opinion

I have no idea how many fucking mushrooms we ate. With only butter, salt and pepper to season.

"Tastes like salty mud" - Sufian, 2013

We forgot to buy a brush so we made a really crappy makeshift one. Joey arrived later with a fucking paintbrush but it worked really well surprisingly 

Thick as fuck steaks

"Tastes like salty plants" - me, 2013 

At least these couldn't go wrong

Bgirl Vicky and Bjj master Joey (with pilot Sufian in the background)

Act one emo sit on sand

A late night movie after that. It was a great catch up session, although our culinary skills sucks. Hopefully we'll stay happy and outgoing and all that life shit.
P.S.  fuck you again Joey for kicking sand onto me, but then again you could bjj me to death so it's okay.

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