After 2 years of being on a leash, I've finally got my freedom back. I wouldn't say it was a total waste of time though, I've learned new stuff and met epic people. And my balls have grown larger, literally. Learned to be a dog, tolerate whatever unjust scoldings and think nothing of it. It was a shame that i dropped out of SCS due to injury, would have been fun to torture and di siao recruits. At least in return I had 1 year of slack NS life in a unit mixed with bengs, homosexuals and giao tors. Being afraid of getting raped by the gays everyday. But sexual orientation aside, they're actually really good people. I disliked national service for being boring and shit for most of the time, but there were fun times that i wouldn't get to do anywhere else. Cosplaying as Chief of Defence Force for specialist's graduation parade, making target boards and trying to saw through the wood with cutters before realising we had saws, trying to move the direction of fengshui figurines which belonged to our OC in the hope of changing his luck for the worse because he was an asshole, pouring sugar around his office to attract ants and lots of other stupid shit. Sure, when we're serving our NS we can't wait for it to finish quickly, and older folks will tell you there's no other period as fun as a whole bunch of mischievous teenage guys stuck together with alot of time to do crazy stuff, and it's probably true. Looking back now i wished i could have became a sergeant and then signed on.


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