Making ice cream

Saw this on family outing and gianed to try it out cos is seemed simple. Making ice cream by pouring milk and sugar in a bowl and keep stirring it in a tub of ice for a few mins. It should start to harden and become ice cream bit by bit eventually.

Ok so here's all i need. tub of ice + milk + sugar(heard it helps minimize crystalization or watever shit and also makes milk taste better)

and so i stirred. For 20 fucking minutes i actually sat there and stirred this like a retard. No sign of freezing up at all. So i du laned and put the container into the fridge.

Took it out a few hours later and it became ice kacang -.- So since already screwed, put hershey chocolate sauce and maple syrup on it.

end product = sweetened milk w chocolate and maple syrup ice kacang. It tastes just like how you would imagine it to be.

EPIC FAILED. Should have used a metal bowl instead of plastic container too. Fuck tv for making everything look easy. Will try this again when i am free-er and done more research.

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