How to change luck?

Since i have been so fucking suay lately, i went to google for ways to change my luck. Found this.

  1. Step 1

    SAY "YES I CAN" OR "I THINK I CAN"-How many times have you heard someone say: "With my luck, I'll go shopping and leave my money at home", or something similar?
    If you keep thinking this way, you'll become passive and will stop taking control of your life. Good things will STOP happening, for you'll always be expecting and looking for the worst. And the worst will FIND you. Regain control (write a reminder note to yourself or the day before, have your money in the wallet or purse, ready to go); always think "I CAN HANDLE OR DO THIS".

So by the last sentence i have to say yes to everything that seems reasonable, abit like "Yes man".

  1. Step 2

    MEETING NEW PEOPLE-This is considered the best way to get good luck. Why? Because the more people you know, the more chances you have for new opportunties of all kinds (And then these people know someone who knows someone, and so on).
    A personal note: This method all depends on the KIND of people you cultivate. There's an old saying, "If you lie down with fleas"...

Time to spam facebook invites.

  1. Step 3

    A GOOD LUCK CHARM-Don't laugh; Many people do this. Why do you think Tiger Woods always wears red when playing a major tournament? (And 90% of the time doesn't he win? WELL THEN!)
    See, this ties in with the positive attitude mind-set. If you believe that wearing a certain color or type of clothing will give you luck, you're naturally going to feel more confident, different and inspired to keep trying to get what you want. And the more you strive, the more likely it is that you'll get lucky.

I got myself a gold kiap kiap as good luck charm

  1. Step 4

    INCREASING THE ODDS (IN YOUR FAVOR)-To improve your luck, just use the mathematical law of probability. All this means is that the more times you try something, the more chance you'll have that something will turn out in your favor (For example, applying for a job at several places and sources instead of just one or two).

So whatever i do must do 2 times.

Gonna try this for 1 week. If 1 week later i still this suay i burn down google.

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